Thursday, October 26, 2006

Week in Review

Tuesday Simon took his class photos so it was yet another morning of scrambling around trying to find clean clothes that fit properly, making sure no Cheerios were crusted to his face before leaving etc. These are days when I'm thankful for not having a daughter - no pony tails and barrettes to fuss with etc. He wanted his hair in "spikeys" so I did the best I could. He's in bad need of a hair cut and his hair is total Lilly hair from my Mom's side and just wants to lie flat on his head. They used a new photographer this year so hopefully the prints won't look as cheap-ass as last year where Simon was superimposed and floating in front of an electric blue background. We already got the proofs with two poses to choose from and they seem much better. His hair managed to stay sort of spiked, he unzipped his sweater a bit by himself (to look cool I suppose)and he's not looking into the camera in either shot. In one pose he's making a very unnatural 'say cheese' forced smile so I think we're going to go with the closed-lip shot even though I'm so proud of this boy's teeth. They are not perfect but straighter than me and Rich's ever were before orthodontics saved our lives. We were convinced he'd inherit the 'wolf-boy' teeth of his parents but so far so good!

I'm still sick - I can't seem to kick this damned thing. The congestion has moved up into my head and I woke up deaf with a major sinus headache this morning. Mommy finally gets to party this weekend but I won't even be well enough to go at it properly. Tomorrow night two of my friends' bands are playing and Staci is coming up from Toronto which always brings everyone out of hibernation. The shows thankfully start early so it shouldn't be a late night. Then, Saturday - Julie is hosting a Halloween shindig but I don't have a confirmed sitter yet so Rich might have to stay back. I took tomorrow off because I have a bunch of unused vacation days left that I don't want to go to waste before the end of the year. I think I'll hit up a clinic in the morning and get some antibiotics to clear this out.

A little tribute to Trisha's Grandpa, Philip Arthur Garner who sadly passed away on Monday. Very few of us seem to have any grandparents left any more which is a sad thing. Our sympathies to his family and friends.


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