This n' That
We measured Simon yesterday and he's grown a whole inch since August 29 (last measurement). The little tyke is actually sprouting!
I experienced one of my first 'rights of passage' as a parent yesterday: our first "school pictures morning". Me trying to get his hair to do anything but fall flat on his head, make sure he didn't get any Cheerios stuck to his nice sweater and find pants that don't have some sort of stain on them. All at 6:45am. We'll see how the photos come out - we're supposed to get them in early December so I hope to include them in our Christmas cards.
I was in Toronto last week for work meetings which led me to catch the inevitable "plane cold" which I always snag while traveling. Screwed up my weekend but I'm all better now and have so far managed to NOT transmit it to the rest of the family.
We had a mouse (please let there just be one!) in our house for the past week. We woke up to the sound of scampering feet (but we don't have pets!) last Thursday which we knew could only mean one thing. Our second floor tenants get mice every freeze and thaw but we've never had them on our floor before. I was, of course, a nervous wreck in my own home for over a week. Laundry that was folded in the basket remained there because I was too afraid to go through it in case Mickey was dozing inside the clothes. We set out traps last Friday but finally only caught the bugger last night in the trap behind my dresser in the bedroom. Yes, our bedroom of all damned places. Ick. Fig Newtons ended up being the bait of choice.
Halloween is right around the corner. I hope to get to the Botanical Gardens on the weekend to see their pumpkin exhibit or to Old Montreal where there are some festivities going on for kids in different museums. Simon will dress up as Tigger for his daycare party on Monday and will either be Tigger again for trick or treating, or a horse depending on the weather AND if the horse costume fits him. I haven't tried it on him yet because I know he won't let me take it off once it's on!
I hope to get out today to buy something for my soon-to-be Goddaughter, Alexa. Yes, I finally get to have a Goddaughter! Her Christening is November 13 and I don't want to leave it to the last minute. While I'm out, I should find something to wear to the event too. Yikes, this means another morning of trying to get Simon dressed up!
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