Under the Weather
Simon did end up having a cold at the end of last week. My Mommy Radar was right on! It doesn't seem like too much of a doozer - some coughing yes, but no fever or sheer misery. Granted, he didn't have a very good day at daycare yesterday. They told us he was really cranky, didn't want to nap and spit at a teacher. When I heard this, I freaked - now behaviour problems to boot! But when they described what he did, the image of him hawking a wad in a teacher's face melted away. He blew a raspberry in the air - stuck his tongue out and blew. Anyhow, regardless, they weren't impressed. Ideally, he should have stayed home yesterday but both Rich and I couldn't take the day off (we had taken Friday off and I'm taking next Monday off) and I didn't want to call in Mom again after she'd had him all weekend. He didn't seem too bad in the morning, but I'm sure a day at home would have served him better.
He's talking more and more now which is amazing. I find it so fascinating to watch a child learn a language and develop the ability to communicate with it. Not to mention, his little voice just makes me smile. Last night, we had to run some errands so we brought Simon to the park for a bit. Rich was throwing around the Frisbee with him and Simon said "my turn" after Rich had thrown it to him. I'd never heard him say that before.
We had a lovely time in Toronto - great weather, way too much food and drink and loads of fun together. The area we were staying in was actually having a festival that weekend so we never bothered heading into downtown (which I heard was a Film Festival zoo anyhow). On Friday, we toured around the little eclectic and antique shops, then happened across an arts and crafts show in the park. We had a great Mexican dinner on an outdoor terrace with loads of Sangria. Saturday morning, we watched a local parade and it turned out that nearly every home was hosting a garage sale as part of the festival. Rich was so excited, he could hardly speak. He picked up a couple of little items but the merchandise people were selling was obviously a lot of junk they just wanted cleared out of their houses. The wedding was delightful as well. Really classy and tasteful. I think it was the first wedding I went to where I actually ate all of the food that was served. They focused more on the quality of the food rather than serving 8 bloody courses of inedible banquet catering. We hardly took any photos for no other reason other than us being losers. Rich and I love photos, we just don't love taking them.
It's back up to 30 degrees this week. Right when I wanted to put all the fans and airconditioning away for the season. I should know better.
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