Friday, July 28, 2006

Bad Mother Confessions - First Installment

I will be starting a new feature in this blog called "Bad Mother Confessions" - this will likely prompt to update more often because I have a landslide of these to share with you.

Part I

When Simon was still on formula, I used to boil the water on the stove in a pot to make his milk. One day, a couple of hours after I had made his milk, I came back into the kitchen to clean up. I noticed that there were two identical pots on the stove side by side: one held the leftover water I had boiled for the baby milk, the other had the oily water left from when Rich had made hot dogs earlier that day. Two identical pots. Side by side. The one for the baby milk seemed to have far more water left in it than there should have been.

To this day, I'm unable to confirm if I had made a batch of Simon's milk with distilled water or with hot dog water. Did I throw away the milk to be on the safe side? Hell no - because that would have invovled time that I DIDN'T have to make another batch.

Would you like fries with that?

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

What you learn on your last day of vacation

Rich and I took last week off up until yesterday (for Canada Day) which was lovely.

I learned three important things yesterday on the last day of our vacation:

1) I need to stop going for very long walks in my blue bejeweled flip flops. I probably would have done less damage to my feet if I ran my errands barefoot.

2) The girls who are wearing those ridiculously large sunglasses all need to be told that they look like morons. It works if you're a twelve year old playing dress up with your mother's retro garb, but it doesn't work in real life.

3) Some bark chips, cedar mulch, river stones and potted plants can do wonders for your front lawn. The weed-infested dirt pit-o-ants that used to be known as my front lawn actually looks decent now. It's incredible what not looking like white trash does to the moral. I can now walk down my street with my head held high.