I made my first school lunch yesterday morning. Paté sandwich with mustard on rye bread, a banana, sugar-free jello & an orange juice. With mini bear paw cookies, a Nutrigrain bar and a bottle of water for recess and afterschool daycare snacks.
Simon started school on Tuesday. Parents had to accompany their kindergarten kids on the first day so Rich and I drove him in that morning. He was only in school for an hour and half and we were with him for the first hour. The four K classes are at the end of the second floor hallway so it was extremely hot and congested with stressed out parents and kids trying to find their classrooms. Simon's teacher, Madame Lise, seemed very nice and his class is big and bright. We turned in all of his school supplies, she explained how the agendas work as the communications vehicle between parents and teachers, and then we were asked to head to the cafeteria while the students stayed with her for the last half hour. We came home with a migraine-inducing amount of paperwork to go through. School policies, daycare policies, rules, fees, schedules and calendars, health forms, who can pick up your child forms, yes you can check my kid for lice forms, some sort of blue forms, some orange forms...

Wednesday, he took the bus for the first time by himself in the morning and stayed for a half day. We really wanted to avoid having to put him in the morning daycare program. He's already in the afternoon program which has him at school an additional two hours in the afternoon until Rich can pick him up. His bus comes at 8:30 which still allows me to get to work by 9ish and I make up the missed time by staying a little later in the evening. Which was really the same time I was getting out of the office any how.

Simon wouldn't let me hold his hand while getting on the bus, but blew me lots of kisses from the window. His driver is a gem. The parents all say she's the best on the route.

Thursday was his first full day and today he'll have gym for the first time which is quite an exciting event for a 5-year-old boy. He's been distracted by the newness of everything so every day so far has been really good. We're adapting to the new schedules and routines and to the school's dos and don'ts. There is much to remember. Which days are gym days, when to pay what fees, what he needs in his school bag every day etc. His school has a hot lunch program that I signed up for two days a week. He's used to hot lunches from his old daycare and this will save me from coming up with lunchbox ideas a couple of days a week. If he doesn't like the food, I'll reconsider after next month.
It's been a tiring week and we're going to go out for supper tonight to celebrate the end of it. Congrats to our little boy for being so brave and cool!

Look at that little monkey face in the front seat of the bus. You could just see his eyes and the top of his head because the seats are so huge for him.