Monday, March 24, 2008

The Evolution of an Old Married Couple


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The Good in this World

I lose everything. I cannot own anything of value because chances are, it will be lost in no time at all. I broke my record in 2007 where I lost my Versace glasses, my cell phone & my entire set of house and work keys within three months. And my Ipod - which I did find again packed in error in Julie's suitcase after our trip to Toronto. Last summer I also lost the diamond Teno ring Rich had bought me under 2 years ago for Christmas. He found it, 3 months later, in the pocket of a back pack I hardly ever use. Do you see the pattern here?

Yesterday, I took a bus I don't normally take to work in the morning. I missed my stop not realizing how far along we were and jumped off at the next stop. I was half way up the street when I realized that my Harrods lunch bag was not in my hands. This bag does far more than carry my lunch. It's your typical women's 'work bag' that carries around everything from hair clips, Tylenol, tampons, lipgloss, snacks, pens, a book and loose change. I tried to do some quick mental inventory to figure out what was in there that I had now lost. I was wearing my sunglasses so that meant my eyeglasses were in there (the bulky case doesn't fit in my purse), the back up tape for the work server, some really good leftover chicken lasagna, my memory stick AND 52 pages of marked and proofread pages of work. Five hours of work I had done all weekend was GONE and yet another print deadline now missed. I stood still on the sidewalk and quietly cried.

Not to mention, the bag itself I bought on my trip to London with Jenn in 2002. It wasn't a souvenir someone brought back for me, it was what we went to Harrods for in the first place and it was gone.

I called the STCUM right away and they told me that they couldn't radio the driver unless it was an emergency (and this didn't qualify apparently). They said to call back the next day after 3:00pm once all the lost and found items were moved to the central dispatch. Thanks. For nothing. I called back again to plead my case to a second agent but still got no where. I emailed their general service centre as well. 30 minutes later, my cell phone rang and a nice STCUM lady told me that my bag was found! Rich drove me over to pick it up after work and sure enough, EVERYTHING - its entire contents was still in there.

Thank you, nice and honest person who understands that someone made a stupid mistake and just wants her stuff back, for turning in my bag and not stealing my things. There are good people out there.

More Good Things
The good people at Cadbury have given us MICRO Mini Eggs this year. Twice the speckled cuteness and you could fit even more in your mouth at once. You all have to try these.