Peanut butter cup heaven
I'm so late with my Halloween post but it's still worth sharing a couple of photos with you. We had a great Halloween this year despite my having to jet off to Toronto that same night for work.
Mom and I took Simon to our neighbour's place first and picked up Geva for trick or treating. I call Geva "Party Boy" because every time I see him, he is either dancing or smiling, or dancing and smiling. He seems to live with an interal party which I envy so much.
Here they are getting ready to hit the town. Note: Party Boy is indeed dancing and smiling.
Once we passed by our house again, Mom and I traded shifts with Rich and he took the boys to the next street over while I packed and Mom gave out candy to the trick or treaters. After under an hour and only two streets visited, Simon came back with a very impressive haul. My pleas for peanut butter cups were heard throughout the town which made Mommy a happy, happy girl. And of course, Simon was pretty impressed too.