A peek from under the pile
It's convention season. Mamma is a workin'.
I know you're all probably getting used to the massive windy lulls in between posts and I apologize. Things start picking up in not for profits in February and then by April we're pretty much crying in front of our computer screens, forgetting what street we live on cause we're never home and surviving on Starbucks and sugar packets.
I promise to post n' post once this is over in four weeks!
I'll leave you with some quickies:
1) Strawberry Mini Wheats are not very good.
2) Next Easter, I will slay anyone who buys Simon a Kinder Egg. I think he got 2 dozen this year. Someone tell the Kinder people that no one likes white chocolate unless it's in a white chocolate macadamia nut cookie from Subway.
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