None the Wiser
Last week my bottom left impacted wisdom tooth became grossly infected. I tried clearing it up with salt rinses like I had done when my left side tooth was infected a couple of years ago. All seemed well until Sunday night when I went to bed with a bit of a sore shoulder. Throughout the night my neck, shoulder and back seemed to get worse and worse until by 5:30am, pain was shooting through my whole right side. My beloved dentist gave me an apointment on Monday and then referred me to a dental surgeon who took one look at my infected tooth and said - "these have got to come out as soon as possible". The infection likely buggered up the nerve which buggered up the nerve in my shoulder = pain like none other.
Now what you all don't know is that I've NEVER had a tooth extracted before. It's something I've managed to escape all 30 years of my life. Lo and behold, the two right side teeth are scheduled to come out next Tuesday and I'm terrified to bits. The surgeon said he'd give me a sedative to relax me but by sedative, I hope he means slapping me unconcious because I don't know if I could do it. The thought of listening and feeling someone haul teeth out of my face is a nightmare. Dear Lord.
The infected tooth has really long and twisted roots that wrap around a facial nerve so there is risk of permanent numbness in my lower lip. Doesn't this just get better and better? They're going to try to leave the roots in and only extract part of the tooth. Hooray for me.
I've taken most of next week off to recoop. Mom and Dad are thankfully taking Simon overnight on Tuesday and he'll spend all day Wednesday there too (his daycare is closed on Wed) so I could dose up on painkillers and sleeeeep.